Wednesday 9 March 2011

International Women's Day? *gallic shrug* What an idea!

Ah, so International Women's Day, eh? Sounds cute! What's it all about? Some kind of 'us women think we're so special that we need a day to celebrate this'? Bless.

On Tuesday Nicolas Sarkozy decided to air his thoughts (ahem) about International Women's Day which celebrated its centenary yesterday. It's a shame, that yet again, he didn't opt for the more sensible option of keeping his bouche tightly shut.

Women should be seen and not heard
(...much like Sarko)

The Head of State announced that a special day to highlight women's rights is not "necessary" to "promote equality between the sexes". Zut alors?! Does this suggest that (giving the President the benefit of the doubt) he thinks a day like this is not the most effective way of raising awareness, and maybe he has a better alternative? or, (more likely) does ickle Sarko believe that women have, across the world, already attained rights equal to those of men?

In Sarko's petit world, he must be under the impression that IWD is 'just' about equality, and not that it is enormously effective way of drawing attention to the economic, political and social achievements of women.

In any case, when it comes to another main aim of the day - empowering women - there's no point... surely it would just be asking for trouble. Look what they do if they're a bit empowered.... they create, organise and co-ordinate a International Day like this. Not to be trusted them women. They should stop this silliness right away and get on with those things that women are so much better at and, it goes without saying, enjoy much more than men, such as cooking, cleaning and darning socks. Quietly. And without a fuss.

He continued to make himself look like a sexist pillock when he stated that the IWD "is nice". Yes Sarko, it is 'nice', like flowers and fairies and pink things are 'nice', just like that.

He goes on to say that "it needs to be done, but there are more important things to be concentrating on". 'It needs to be done'?? What like some kind of other tedious necessity like cutting your toenails or going to the dentist 'needs to be done'?

And if you thought he'd maybe put his foot in it enough, Cerveau Sarko continues: ''International Women's Day... does this mean that all the other days of the year are Men's days?" Ha ha...très amusant mon cher monsieur. Well, to be perfectly honest with you Nikki, they more or less still are.


"Women play an important role in our lives, in our society" (no sh*t, Sherlock) "However, today, women's lives are the same as men's" (oh, come on...) "...things have greatly changed. All women want to work" (bless 'em) "...want to be independent" (Erm...who let the little lady speak? besides, we all know that wanting is very different to getting)

If it's not in France, it don't count.

Maybe Sarko, you think that women have equal rights to men in France (like, whatever), but think outside of your little country (nope, 'La France' does not = 'The World'): it's not National Women's Day, it's INTERnational Women's Day. Are you suggesting that all those other people in the world fighting for women's rights should have a long hard look in the mirror and count their lucky stars that women are...what? that they're still alive? Yes, women, be grateful that you're alive, and stop being so attention seeking with your ridiculous, time-wasting, pathetic, special little day.

Bonne attitude Sarko.

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