Friday 20 May 2011

Why I Want to Move to the Country


Sirens. Sirens. Sirens. In the countryside the sound of sirens is a more un- than usual occurrence. Unlike here in London. Every two minutes there is a siren, in most cases helpfully timed with when I am walking along speaking on the phone, trying to get to sleep or already asleep, so waking me up at 4 IN THE MORNING.

Now, I know that the emergency vehicles need to get around in a hurry...but, even in London, how much traffic is there really at 4 am?? Not much. Not enough to merit such a large number of sirens blasting forth in the early hours.

It must be very hard driving an emergency vehicle in London - most drivers appear to be in their own little world, or are listening to music so deafeningly loud that if the siren speaker was in their passenger seat, they'd still be oblivious to it.

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