Thursday 10 February 2011

Merde, London!

Well, well, well.... who'd have thought that in London you would be more at risk of walking in a dog poo than Paris? I certainly didn't think so.

In Paris at the weekend, I came across my fair share of mess on the pavements. Luckily I didn't tread/slip/fall over in it, but this was only achieved by constantly scanning the ground before me, and if I happened to be, I don't know let's say - sightseeing (never!), then it often resulted in a last minute, slightly off-balance skip/hop/dance round the poo. Nevertheless, Paris is famous for this, so you go prepared for, and expect, the worst.

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Wednesday 9 February 2011

Fromage and Crêpes... but not together (this time!)

Now, I have been back here for, what, 3 whole days and I have to say that I am already craving (or suffering withdrawal from) cheese.

Cheese on toast Monday lunchtime has done little to curb this desire, and to top it off, what do I stumble upon on Twitter his morning? A delicious recipe for a Reblochon Fondue, this looks wonderful (and I'm saying this at 9.30am). However, after last week's cheese eating adventure, I'm not sure my body is ready for such extreme cheese eating again so soon.

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Monday 7 February 2011

Lovely Annecy & Cool Paris

Last week we went on holiday. I had a lovely time - it's always a pleasure going to France. I ate well ('well' meaning I ate a LOT of cheese, bread and pain au chocolat...not a healthy 'well') and drank a modest (ha ha) amount of house red, white or whatever they were willing to give us really.

We travelled down by train - Eurostar to Paris, then TGV to Annecy. We decided to do this all on the same day, but it was much nicer when we did the return journey and broke it up with a night in lovely Paris (where we broke free from the fromage, and switched to steak frites instead...).

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