Thursday 17 February 2011

Les Faits: Saucisson Sec


Ah, saucisson sec... one of the many delicious foods that are associated with France. This sausage is truly one of France's greats, up there with the good 'ole crusty baguette, a ripe brie and a sumptuous Bordeaux.

This is really a versatile sausage: it keeps for ages (it can also be frozen), can be easily transported (great for those long walks) and comes in so many different flavours. On any self-respecting French market you'll find a spectacular array of 'saucisson sec avec...' almost any ingredient under the sun.

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Tuesday 15 February 2011

Padlocks d'amour

Love padlocks - or cadenas d'amour as they are known in French - are a rapidly growing Valentine's Day phenomenon. The idea is that couples in love take a padlock then scratch or scrawl their initials or names, or a message (a very short one, or written so small you can barely read it), on to the surface. The lovers then attach it to some railings (they're not fussy, but it's more often than not on a bridge), then throw away the key. This act of vandalism is said to symbolise their love for each other. How nauseating. (However, it does also act as a touching reminder when the relationship comes to an abrupt, unpleasant end: you feel sad, empty and alone every time you walk to work over that 'special' bridge and see your 'love-lock'. A great start to the day. Every day. Bet you wish you hadn't thrown away the key now, eh?)

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Monday 14 February 2011

Marrying a stranger? Le Saint Valentin is the perfect day for finding one.

The old superstition which states that the first man an unmarried woman sees on St. Valentine's day should be her future husband has,
in my humble opinion, many flaws.
Let's pretend we were still pandering to this kind of superstitious nonsense in contemporary society. If this was how things worked, then I'm assuming that a vast number of women would outright refuse to leave their homes (which would make life quite challenging considering the great number of women who work), living in fear that they may end up having to marry 'the guy next door' (literally).
Unless of course they have already woken up with their partner and that he or she is the person they would wish to marry. If not they would have had to throw them out the night before, or, failing that, keep their eyes closed whilst getting ready for work in the morning so they don't lay eyes on them...(this in turn would make the other person feel a tad unloved I suspect).

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