Wednesday 16 March 2011


Right, I know I have already talked about the gorgeously wonderful versatile foodstuffs that are crêpes in a previous post, but as it was recently Shrove Tuesday (or mardi gras as it's called in French) I had to make some more. I had to, it would have been rude not to.

So, to spice things up a bit I recorded, well photographed, the whole process from start to finish. For those 'Shake to Make' addicts out there you will see how easy it is to make them yourself.... and therefore avoiding spending an obscene amount of money on some kind of half-arsed lazy alternative.

125 g plain flour
125 g corn flour (for lightness)
500 ml milk
20 g (ish) butter melted
2-3 eggs depending on how large they are
a pinch of salt

Ok, here goes:

Measure out the flour & cornflour into a bowl.

Pour the milk into a jug

Break the eggs into the flours

Add some salt. I quite like salty things, so I add about half a teaspoon.

Melt the butter in the microwave (try not to let it explode in there. It's very annoying if that happens - don't think "another 5 seconds and it'll be really, really runny" because in those 5 seconds it will quite effectively decorate the inside of the microwave. This happens if like me, you don't know how to use your microwave properly - I only seem to be able to get it to work on FULL power. Grrrr.).

Add the melted butter (whatever is left, & not stuck to the inside of the microwave) to the other ingredients

Now, add the milk, get out your hand whisk and mix the ingredients together

Ta da! It's all done! I'm too impatient/greedy to let it stand at all, and I can't see that it makes any difference whether it does or doesn't in any case.

Next heat some butter in your pancake/frying pan, and the second it starts to bubble add a ladle-full of the mixture into the pan. Swill it around immediately so the mixture covers the entire base of the pan. In my experience the very first crêpe, and the last one do not always turn out so well (either because I add too much mixture, or the pan's not hot enough or something along those lines. The last one is always a bit disappointing because there's never quite enough of the mixture to cover the pan!). 

The mixture only takes a minute or so to cook, so you'll know it's ready to flip when you pick up the pan and the crêpe has detached itself from the base and slides around a bit. 

Then FLIP!! (and catch)

There you go. All done. The mixture usually makes around 12-15 crêpes. Mmmm. This is how the first one turned out:

Ooops, sorry I accidentally ate it before I could take a photo...

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