Wednesday 9 February 2011

Fromage and Crêpes... but not together (this time!)

Now, I have been back here for, what, 3 whole days and I have to say that I am already craving (or suffering withdrawal from) cheese.

Cheese on toast Monday lunchtime has done little to curb this desire, and to top it off, what do I stumble upon on Twitter his morning? A delicious recipe for a Reblochon Fondue, this looks wonderful (and I'm saying this at 9.30am). However, after last week's cheese eating adventure, I'm not sure my body is ready for such extreme cheese eating again so soon.


To keep in with the French spirit I made some crêpes yesterday. Being I bit on the tight side, I refuse to pay 5 quid for a basic crêpe with a bit of Nutella or chocolate sauce stuffed inside it in a restaurant, especially when I can make around 20 myself for around £1.

Crepe mixture
This time I fancied a lighter crêpe, so substituted half the flour for corn flour. The thing I love about these pancakes is their versatility and the fact that they last a good few days after cooking them. I also like the ceremony of making them...I feel theatrical and chef-like throwing them up then catching them (most of the time!) in the pan.

My favourite filling has to be the semi-healthy banana, chocolate sauce and whipped cream, although I'm not fussy: honey, ice cream, fruit, sugar... you name it, I like it. Strangely enough I don't have a particularly sweet tooth (and I'm certainly not a fan of chocolate in it's bar form, or sweets), but I do like crêpes and cakes. Oh, and of course not forgetting the amazing chocolate caramel shortbread - I have a love for this that I will discuss in a non-cheese, non-French related post at a later date!

Today I have various things that I need to get on with - I'm currently listening to Les Grosses Têtes which I download on iTunes whilst I sort myself out (read: get dressed, dry hair, put make-up on, unload dishwasher, load dishwasher, put washing away... life on the wild side, eh!). I then need to go out to buy some lemons or oranges in an attempt to deter a tomcat that insists on spraying in the garden (nice!) and spending most of the night keeping me awake by yowling it's heart out.

Might pop round the corner to my local French Café Le Péché Mignon for a tasty baguette to team up with some Camembert I have trying to run away in the fridge.

Text & Photos © Abby Clarke 2011

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