Wednesday 21 September 2011

Les Chats sont arrivés!

Yippeeeee! We have cats! The day after we moved (which was also my birthday) was a busy day. We had Virgin come over to do technical broadband-y stuff, my parents visited for a couple of hours to wish me a happy birthday and have a look round the house, a lovely man from the local Cat Rescue Centre popped over to do the home visit, and then another really nice guy from Nature in Balance came over to rid us of a wasps nest we found in the bathroom wall cavity.
Fortunately all these visits were over and done with by 2pm, which meant we still had time to go to the Cats Protection place and see the cats! When we arrived we were shown around by one of the staff who introduced us to various kitties – some of them were extremely timid, but given that my mum has a Springer spaniel, we would probably need felines who are slightly more outgoing and more prepared to show the dog who's boss!

We met a 7 month old black cat who was so friendly that we pretty much straight way decided that he would make a good addition to the new house, and then we met a litter of 12 week old kittens. Most of the kittens were beautiful, but very shy, staying at the back of the cage…but a little white one with blobs of black on its face and a black tail came straight up to us when we went in, rubbing itself against our legs and purring like a tractor – it didn't take much to decided that this was the one that we wanted to adopt!

They're getting on fairly well together, sometimes it's hard to tell whether they are playing or fighting (and the older one is three times as big as the little one…although I don't think he realises it!), but they are both lovely and good natured (the older one can be a bit sulky at times, but then again he is the equivalent to a teenage boy, so I guess it's to be expected!)

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