Tuesday 26 July 2011


Finally, after six months of waiting we are finally, finally moving to Haslemere. It's taken a lot of time, three different buyers for the flat - of whom two dropped out, and oodles of patience. And, of course, good stress management skills!

So, instead of working to tide me over for a few weeks, I ended up working for four months. I had an excellent time though, and I'm so pleased that I got to work that little bit longer - did some interesting work, met some lovely people and could walk in (...a long 2.7 miles walk in!). We move next week, so the flat is full of half packed boxes...boxes I'm meant to be packing as I write, but I'm managing to find all sorts of far more exciting - and less important - things to do instead!

Shortly, I am going to move my blog (which I have thoroughly neglected for the last few months!) over to the Camembert website, but it will still feature on Blogger too.

Over the next few months I'm really looking forward to a number of things: teaching a spot of French, adopting a couple of cats, decorating the new house and planning for our wedding next April. So much to do! Fortunately it's all pretty exciting and interesting stuff, none of your run-of-the-mill mundane happenings for me over the next year!
Right, well I'd best crack on with the packing. Next blog coming soon!

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